How to be a powerful and unstoppable force

It all starts with two words, I AM. I first learned about these two powerful words from Robert Zink (a Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Success Life Coach.) Robert has a Youtube Page, podcast and website all under the name Law of Attraction Solutions. I’d say the movie The Secret is what originally led me to Robert, and I haven’t been the same person since. I’m not sure if Robert truly understands the impact he has on people’s lives. I can honestly say that he has had a huge impact on mine.

The words I AM are said to be a powerful tool for manifesting one’s desires. If used incorrectly, however; it can have a profound impact on how you act and feel. For example, I used to complain about being tired all of the time. I used to say “I am tired”. Do you know what happened? One day I caught myself and instead of saying I am tired, I said “I am awake and full of energy”! It was almost as if a lightbulb had gone off in my head. Suddenly I didn’t feel tired anymore and instead, I went through the day with energy and joy.

You can’t just say the words I AM and immediately expect results. It takes much more effort than that for the Universe to grant you your wish. In order for the words, I AM to work properly you must first, align your thoughts, emotions and actions with what it is that you truly desire. The universe works under certain laws and one of those laws are the Law of Attraction.

Here are some Law of Attraction Guidelines to follow:

  • Be Specific about what it is that you want
  • Believe that it is possible
  • Keep your focus present tense
  • Take Inspired Action
  • Write down negative thoughts on paper and light that bitch on fire (in a controlled environment of course)
  • Be extremely grateful for what you already have ( I have a journal that I write in every night )
  • Visualize your wish fulfilled
  • Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed
  • The universe has your back BELIEVE IT

I am a Powerful and Unstoppable force, capable of manifesting my deepest desires into reality!